X-Ray Safety – Wylie, TX
We Use Safe, Digital X-Ray Imaging

When parents think about dental X-rays, they think of the old-school film ones that take awhile to develop and were known to expose patients to higher levels of radiation. Today, we utilize more modern, efficient, and safer digital technology to view the area of your child’s mouth that isn’t visible to the naked eye. Below, you can learn more about what types of X-rays we take and what makes them completely safe for children.
Periapical X-Rays
When visual inspection of the teeth raises some concerns, the periapical X-rays will provide answers and result in proper diagnosis. This type of radiograph will disclose the entire structure of the tooth including the apex and any surrounding tissue and bone. Periapical photos also identify infections, cysts or periodontal disease related to the adjacent teeth.
Bitewing X-Rays
Bitewing X-rays detect decay between teeth. These types of radiographs are taken within the posterior (back area) region of the mouth including molars and premolars. Bitewings disclose any caries that cannot be seen by visual exam of the dentition.
Panoramic X-Rays
Also called Panorex or Panellipse, this radiograph is taken outside of the mouth, and the patient does not experience any discomfort. Panorex will display the entire mouth structure including jaw malformations and any impacted teeth. Our patients appreciate this method as it is painless and effective in creating dental treatment plans. Panoramic X-rays also assist with diagnosing lesions, cysts, tumors, sinus complications, jaw fractures, missing teeth and extra teeth.
Exposure to Radiation
With the newest digital technology we use, the exposure to radiation is minimal. We also operate according to the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry to assure that our young patients are always safe and comfortable when visiting us. Panoramic X-ray radiation exposure is the same radiation you receive when you walk outside in the sun, which is very low.